“One Throat to Choke” is the old expression. The last thing you want with your project is two vendors pointing fingers at each other when it will not work. On some projects, one vendor can be the main contractor and the other a sub-contractor. The size of the roles that each plays usually will eliminate “The Tail Wagging the Dog.” Another great old expression which means you do not want the vendor doing most of the work subordinated to the vendor that has less responsibility in the project.
But sometimes, it is necessary to have multiple vendors working on the same project. Each has their expertise, and it just does not make sense to have one of them be the chief. At the EMP Tech Group, we frequently find ourselves in both situations. We prefer to be in charge if it makes sense and the bulk of the project is within our scope of expertise, but that is not always the case.
So, if our portion of the project is working, but the whole system is not working, and it is not because there is a problem with our work, what happens then? Some of your technology suppliers will throw up their hands and say, “it is not my job.” And to some extent, that is true, but helping you prove to the other vendor that the problem is on their end is also part of our job. Add to that, we at EMP need to be sure that the problem is not on our end and not too arrogant to check ourselves thoroughly.
The bottom line is that to earn your business for the long term; we need to be willing to help you navigate the issues that come with project work. To not try to pass the buck when it is our problem. And more importantly, try to help you even though the problem is not with our work.