Device Tracker

There are always several technologies that we are watching and waiting for them to mature to the point of usability. One of them has been the ability to track devices in your facility. Particularly mobile computers by Zebra that are also the number one product that we sell.

Since we are heavily involved with our customers implementing new devices and tracking their life cycle for replacement. We unfortunately get to see the looks of shock when they realize how many devices are missing 3 or 5 years later when it is time to replace. Particularly if these are leased devices, the costs can climb to crazy levels.

The good news is that these devices are purpose built for warehouse and shop floor activity, so theft is not usually the issue. Shipping them to end users in trucks is usually what happens. These same customers say that they receive mobile computers in their shipment almost as frequently as they inadvertently ship theirs out the door.

Tracking devices over the cellular network has been in place and easy to use for many years. But tracking devices inside the four walls via Wi-Fi has been challenging, limited, and sometime cost prohibitive until recently. One solution is Zebra’s Device Tracker, a cloud based product that works exclusively with Zebra mobile computers. We have been monitoring the progress of this product for several years and now deem it worthy of being sold by EMP, and used by you, our customers.

Device Tracker really came to its latest state with the introduction of smart batteries, and the ability to use these batteries to Bluetooth locate a device even after the battery is dead. You do have a dashboard that will show you that last access point that the device was associated with, and now you can use a second Zebra mobile computer to home in on the exact location of the missing device.

Not using Zebra devices or looking for another option, SOTI also has a device tracking feature in its software platform. There is some device locating capability within Mobi Control, but the advanced tracking is inside of SOTI XSight. There are the usual trade offs between these two software platforms.  SOTI will work with many different devices, while the Zebra option is exclusive to Zebra devices.  Conversely, since the Zebra program is made for Zebra devices, it is more entrenched in the device and has additional features. But, funny enough, you can use SOTI MobiControl to push the Zebra Device Tracker application to your mobile computer!

If you are looking for best in class software to help you track your mobile computers, EMP Tech Group is always the best place to find us.   

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