Zebra StageNow

We talk a lot around here about our Secret Weapons. Mainly lightning-fast responses, and incredible attitudes. But we also have many technical secret weapons. One of those is our extreme knowledge with Zebra’s version of Android and all the tools that come with it, including StageNow.

What is StageNow in a nutshell? The ability to use the PC version of StageNow to set up exactly how you want a device configured, and what applications you want loaded. Then create a PDF417 barcode with StageNow, email it to the user of the target device, have them open StageNow on the device and scan the barcode. Poof, the device is set up exactly how you want.

You can also use StageNow barcodes to change settings on devices. Suddenly you have a barcode that won’t scan because the settings on DataWedge (another one of our secret weapons) are not configured for that barcode type. Go into DataWedge, allow that barcode symbology, or modify its parameters, print or email the barcode, and you are back up and running.

So, you think you got me because you already use an MDM to manage your mobile computers? Well, how did you get the MDM onto the device in the first place? I know how we get SOTI, our preferred MDM, onto Zebra mobile computers, we use StageNow!

After that, you can use all SOTI’s mobile computer management features, but Zebra devices do not ship preloaded with your MDM, not even SOTI. Also, what happens when a device inevitably breaks and must go in for repair. It is going to come back completely wiped and must have your settings and applications loaded again. StageNow to the rescue. As a matter of fact, we see customers with their StageNow barcodes taped to the wall of their desk for easy access when configuring devices coming back from repair.

If you are looking a technology partner that has this level of expertise with Zebra mobile computers,  www.emptechgroup.com is always the best place to find us.   

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