Not only are we a BarTender reseller, but we are also a customer. We always have BarTender licenses for our support team to use in supporting our customers. These customers and BarTender both appreciate our extra layer of support that we provide for the software. But we also use BarTender ourselves in an advanced way.

If you have any history in reading this newsletter, you know that we switched over to Microsoft Dynamics Business Central almost 5 years ago as the ERP that we use to run the company. About a year ago, Seagull Scientific introduced a Dynamics Business Central Connector to their product line. Almost immediately, we got access to the new software and bolted it onto Dynamics for ourselves.
We are sticklers for everything being labeled around here. We can have hundreds of customer products in the shop at any one time, and these products can be identical except for the serial number. So, getting everything labeled as hardware for a project, or product being repaired, as soon as it comes in the door is imperative.
We used to use regular BarTender to key enter in the information and print a label. But with the Dynamics Connector, those labels print out automatically, as soon as we receive the product into Dynamics.

We have grossly used the term eating our own dog food around here many times. And this is a distinct case of us doing so. Using the automation that we sell and help customers integrate to our own advantage is a win/win. Having BarTender excited that we are using this software and making a case study out of it is icing on the cake.

So, if you are looking for a technology partner who eats their own dog food, reach out to EMP Technical Group.
While Seagull Scientific was in town, they also took the opportunity to visit EMP’s long time customer Bosma Enterprises to show how they utilize BarTender within their operations. Check out the video below!