Our website and our building are full of EMP Culture Posters. The other group of posters that you will find lining our hallways, and our website, are fun project posters. But the EMP culture posters are the heart of what we are all about as a company.

Posters that address how we work and what we are all about. These posters have been developed over the years and come from many sources. Dale Carnegie, Zig Zigler, Earl Nightengale, Simon Sinak, mostly old timers in thought leadership, but the lessons are timeless.
We have had a poster showing the “10 Things That Require Zero Talent” up for several years. Simple things like being on time and having a good attitude. This is probably the most photographed poster in the building. It is getting harder to do new posters, there are only so many basic tenets in life that you can expound upon, before you start repeating yourself.
But recently I saw something on LinkedIn that looked at success from a totally different perspective. It analyzed the traits of high performers in simple terms. The basic things that high performers do, that no one thinks about. So, our latest EMP Culture poster is here for you to enjoy. Feel free to steal it and use it in your organization, that is exactly what we did.

So, if you are looking for a technology partner with the right attitude, and someone who will value you as a customer, reach out to us at EMP Technical Group to learn more.