Our 100th YouTube Video

We have talked a lot about the YouTube videos that we have been putting out. They really help convey the work that we are doing here at the EMP Tech Group and give us a chance to spotlight some of the great folks working here. We recently released our 100th YouTube video that is an attempt to show you what we are all about here at the EMP Tech Group. Products, projects, people, facilities, tools, and mostly great attitude.

Our first YouTube video was 10 years ago, and it discussed how to load media into a Zebra 110xi4 label printer. That video has been viewed 23,000 times since then. Most of our videos do not receive that many views, but some do. 

The videos fall into several categories:

A) Technical tips that we use to help customers solve problems when they reach out to our support team.

B) Project videos highlighting some of the projects that we have completed for customers.

C) Product videos highlighting new or interesting products.

D) Behind the scenes videos show you more about our shop and the work that we do here.

E) Finally, EMP Product videos showing some of the standard products and systems that we repeatedly build.

So, check out our YouTube channel to see the behind-the-scenes stories here at the EMP Tech Group. And to find out the secret tools and tricks that we have learned over the years to better implement technology into your operations. 

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