With 32 employees and 9 EMP vans, we can definitely fill up a parking lot. Sure, there are several of our folks who work remote, but the service vans are stationed here, so our technical services group brings their personal vehicles to the building, and then gets into a van to go to customer sites. That is 41 parking spaces needed when everyone is here if you are counting along.

So, we decided to asphalt over the last large spot of grass around the building. That meant cutting down a few trees first, which is a shame, but we will plant some new ones along the street when we are done.
We still have room for 5 or 6 more bodies inside of the building, but we were totally out of parking spaces. And on days when we have sales meetings with vendors coming onsite as well, we were parking on the street.

Our next step will be to open a remote distribution space and open up some room in the building for projects and people, but for now we are hanging on, a little cramped, but all under one roof.
So, if you want to help us get out of our building and into yours to help with automation projects, reach out to us at www.emptechgroup.com to learn more.