It is time. Time to use tablet computers on your forklifts. When the day comes to do a refresh of your forklift terminals, you should go with tablets. Specifically go with the Zebra ET6X Series of rugged tablets along with a fantastic forklift mount that Zebra has introduced.

This day has been a long one coming. We have written articles in the past questioning when to use a full, rugged forklift terminal versus a tablet. But this latest tablet and mount from Zebra has pushed it over the edge. So why now for the tablet?
First is cost, yes, it is less expensive, but not by much. You need to get the tablet, the mount, the keypad, and the barcode scanner that you would need with either solution. But the days of the full VC folk lift terminal being more rugged are over. The ET6X with the Zebra mount now meets the MIL-STD that the dedicated forklift terminal has always met and is also IP66 rated.
And the ET6X has a 10” screen, can be cellular, is removable from the mount, has a built-in barcode scanner, can have its own battery, has the latest Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radio’s, a built-in camera, faster processor, more memory, a touch screen, and the list goes on and on.

Below is a chart comparing the specifications of the VC8300 to the ET60 tablet.

So, we can’t believe that we are finally saying it, but time to put tablets on your forklifts. Contact us today to see how we can help you make this transition.