As a rule, we never criticize our competitors. But our customers don’t have to follow this rule, and we seldom interrupt when they start. One of the criticisms we hear is that our competitors try to push new products every time they are invited in the door. And do so repeatedly.
That is not our style, and it is not what we are all about. We never try to upsell. Oh sure, if we are repairing your 10+ year old printer repeatedly, and we see that it is hampering your operations, we will recommend a new one. But to try to churn in new hardware every time we meet because that is a corporate mandate, is not what you will get from us.
Also, no PowerPoints, no forced demos, no talking about ourselves incessantly, none of that. Just earnest questions about your current process and trying to find ways that we can help you be more efficient with the products and services that we offer, is what we do.
With yet another round of layoffs recently happening in our industry, you won’t get the rep of the month from us either. You may see the same account rep that you have been working with for over a decade. And the same technical services folks who helped you five projects ago are still around helping you with the latest project. Knowledgeable folks who have been in the industry and with EMP for years and years.
We think that it is our secret weapon and that is how we have pushed many a competitor out of accounts over the years. You work with them, and you work with us. After a while of putting up with their personnel churn, aggressive techniques and selfish behavior, you find yourself calling them less, and calling EMP more, until you just don’t call them at all.
Sales reps talk about being a trusted advisor all the time. But you must be selfless to build trust. So, if you are always trying to push the latest product instead of listening to a customer’s needs, you will never build trust. And you don’t deserve the trust.
Our website tries to capture this with a recent video about the company and some of the culture posters that you will find hanging around our building.