As you may have noticed in our Newsletters, RFID is a hot topic around here. EMP is in a prime position to help customers with RFID projects because of our strong technical services group. RFID projects are never plug and play. They always require some technical work to get them implemented into a customer’s processes. And a strong technical group with tons of experience with RFID is a definite bonus for us.

We have always been a Specialist in what Zebra calls Advanced Location and Tracking, which is the program that includes passive RFID products. But there is a higher tier in the program that we had not yet attained. Not because we lacked the experience, but because of a revenue threshold and needed training.
The revenue came naturally as we rolled out RFID projects, the training is the hard part. Asking our very busy sales and tech services group to stop doing RFID projects with customers, so they can do the required training from Zebra. Training that is just a technicality, since we are already doing the work that the training is meant to teach us how to do.
But, since we have a dedicated group around here, people made the time to get the obligatory training completed in order for EMP to be deemed an Advanced Specialist, not just a Specialist, in the Zebra program.
Some free demo gear comes along with the promotion, and we can never have enough demo gear around here, so that alone makes it worth the effort. That plus the recognition of being in the upper levels of the Zebra program globally.
So, it is official, we are Advanced Specialist’s with Zebra’s RFID products, reach out to us to see how we can help you implement an RFID project.