New Hires in the Technical Services Group

We have been beefing up our Technical Services group lately.  This team is at the heart of our company, doing the work it takes to make the hardware work in the customer’s environment. Sometimes that is simply maintaining label printers. Sometimes that is running a large project that includes custom programming, hardware builds, and onsite integration work.

There are three main sub-groups in our technical services group. First are the printer service technicians. Second are the hardware specialists that work with mobile computing, RFID, fixed-mount scanning, etc. Finally, there are the full-on developers that also run projects. All three sub-groups do project work, and the three disciplines often work together on projects.

It is a thankless job; we all expect hardware to be repaired first visit and projects to be done quickly, on time, and within budget. But the truth is a lot of struggle goes into getting some of these hardware and software solutions to work for the customer.

When adding a new hire, we aim to hire in from the bottom and push everyone else in the group up a notch. That is precisely what we have done with two new service technicians that have started in the last few months. Now, the more experienced team members are moving their way up the ladder, the way it should be.

We now have:

  • More printer service support.
  • A dedicated support person in the building to continually help customers with issues.
  • More hardware support for the ever-increasing number of customers relying on the EMP Tech Group to help manage their mobile computers and printers.  
  • More people for hardware builds since we are constantly building interface boxes.
  • And finally, more programmers to do the big projects that have custom code written for them.

All here because our customers have told us that they need help with this kind of work and our work always revolves around the customer!

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