Rapid Development Applications

Our newsletters and particularly our Customer Solutions have talked about rapid development applications many times in the past. There are several of them out there in the market, and every time a new one comes to our attention, we benchmark it against the old tried and true one that we have been using for years, MCL.

Zebra Android Kiosk Device

A point of clarification, we are talking about rapid development for mobile computers and particularly for rugged mobile devices with barcode scanners or RFID readers. I say that knowing full well that the picture above is a stationary kiosk device from Zebra, but that just emphasizes the flexibility of the software.

We recently received a new device from Zebra the WS50 wearable terminal. A very small device with a tiny display, but it does run Android. One of the issues with using a device with a small form factor like this is finding an application that will run on the device. But with MCL, you just write the needed application very quickly and the cost of the MCL license for the wearable computer is very reasonable.

Zebra WS50 Wearable Mobile Computer

So, we have yet again disclosed one of our secret weapons. A software product that allows you to develop applications in days, not weeks or months. A powerful tool that lets you easily tie into your backend database and doesn’t force you to be a programmer in order to use it.

As always, you make the decisions, have EMP do the development work for you, or purchase the development environment and do the work for yourself. We can help either way and if you choose to have EMP do the development, we have engineers that are not only trained on how to use the software, but we have many applications already completed giving us tons of experience. This experience can be used to minimize your investment in coding to develop a new mobile application.

As always, contact us to see how our team can help!

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