Zebra recently introduced a new product, the KC50 Android Kiosk Computer. This touch screen terminal comes in two sizes, a 15” and 22” version. There is also a plain touch display that can be used in conjunction with the KC50 as a second monitor. Both sizes run Zebra’s version of Android, have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and an available built in barcode scanner.

EMP focuses mainly on manufacturing and warehousing customers, so what is up with promoting a retail focused kiosk? Well, many times we have found that devices intended for retail applications can be very useful in manufacturing and warehouse environments. Retail store environments can be far more rugged and dirty than say medical device manufacturing facilities.
We are not saying that you should try to use these new products in a coal mine, but for most modern shop floor or warehouse environments, these rugged devices should be fine. We have been using the long produced CC6000 by Zebra for a shop floor data collection terminal for years now. But that is a 10” device and sometimes your application could use more screen real estate.

The final feature that makes EMP recommend these new devices to our customers is the price point. We don’t usually advertise pricing in our newsletters, and we won’t start here. But try to find a shop floor computer with wireless, a touch screen, and a built in barcode scanner for less money than these new kiosks.
Not to mention Zebra’s incredible version of Android, the comprehensive warranty, the ability to manage these devices with the same MDM software that you use for your mobile computers, and the case gets very compelling.
These are the types of devices that we throw in our tool belt when we come to talk to you in person, about your business problems, and solutions. You tell us about the need to have an easy to use terminal that your employees can use to input data or get information. Something that can be read from a distance and is easy to read by older employees because of the large screen size.
When we go away and start crafting a solution for your needs we may come back with this clever device as part of the solution we are recommending. Then imagine the looks on your customers’ faces when they are visiting your facility and see these extra-large devices being used as data collection terminals or displays of key data. Imagine work instructions, or parts drawings line side for your employees to use on this super large display.