
Trying to Use RFID to Cover Up Bad Processes

Sweep it under the rug. Then solve it with RFID. That doesn't always work. Even if you're wanting RFID, you might want to talk to EMP about your operational processes.

We Never Try to Upsell

As a rule, we never criticize our competitors. It's just not our style, and it is not what we are about. Get into the mind of our customer focused intentions by reading the full article.

You Need to be a Technology Company

We touched on this in last month's newsletter. It was titled, "State of the AIDC Industry". In that piece, our president Dave Mattingly, laid out what has worked and what hasn't worked in past years. You can sell all you want, but if technology isn't your identifying trait, then you'll come up short most of the time. So here we are saying once again, "If you want to be in this business you have to sell, but to succeed, well...you have to be technology focused with seasoned experts".

State of the AIDC Industry

The best way to explain where we're going as a niche industry is to reflect on the history that has shaped what it is today. It's difficult to really capture the history when we operate and thrive in such a niche industry. EMP President Dave Mattingly takes us through the different twists and turns that A.I.D.C has journeyed, arriving somewhat optimistic and yet somehow surprised.

The Demise of the Zebra Xi4 Printer

Oh Zebra Xi4...how you will be missed. With its practical and rational operating system. To its easy clean, no nonsense mentality. Unfortunately Zebra stopped manufacturing these not 5 years ago and soon will no longer offer support for repairs. Although, we'll still be able to scrounge up parts for a while, it's safe to say it's time to pivot or upgrade. Check out the history of the Xi4 inside!

Trying to Use a Spreadsheet as a Database

Is it a spreadsheet? Is it a database? What is it? A huge misconception is often thinking that spreadsheets are capable of being utilized as databases. While that may be possible for small scaled data input, you'll find yourself running into problems as you expand your data volume.

AI is Adding Power to Our Solutions

Are machines going to take over? Probably. But until that happens, we should be using AI to increase efficiency and productivity. be in the workplace. It's a symbiotic relationship that we need to embrace and EMP is looking forward to learning how to integrate this new tool.

RFID VS Barcoding

When barcoding was created it took nearly 20 years to finally start taking off in B2C environments like grocery stores. We're now starting to see similar trends of the same thing happening with RFID. Companies like EMP have been researching and using this technology the whole time. Learn how both bring something to the table in their own way.

The Goldilocks of Technology

The plumbing service that quoted you is a large company, and your calls have not been returned. But it's a big job and you don't think a smaller company would have the resources to pull it off. The Goldilocks Conundrum. EMP fits in that "Just Right" scenario for a number of reasons. Here's how.

Printing Labels From Your ERP Software

It's one of those things where we woke up one day and realized that we were experts. That"A-ha" moment. Where we had figured out how to help customers print labels from their ERP software. We have worked with almost all the major ERPs, Oracle, Microsoft, even the ERPs specific to discrete manufacturing like Plex and Epicor. Find out how we do it!

No Scripted Selling

Have you ever been involved in a pitch meeting where, no matter if you've made your decision on whether to buy, the Sales Representative can't stop doing the steps of selling? At EMP, it's a big red flag for us. Customer driven Culture is on a lot of company's minds but see how we approach it differently.

Can You Work From Home?

Work from home works, but not for everyone. Click to read more about our approach to remote work for our team members.