Tech Tips

Parsing Barcode Data

Parsing barcode data can be achieved in the barcode scanner, in software, or in the barcode itself. Click to keep reading.

Printhead Element Out

Printhead element out detection is a hidden gem of a feature for Link-OS enabled Zebra printers. Click to read about the benefits and how to enable it.

How to Choose the Right Barcode Scanner

There are many factors you should consider when choosing a barcode scanner. Click to read more!

Outdoor Direct Thermal Labels

Our outdoor direct thermal labels can withstand harsh direct sunlight and high temperatures far better than regular direct thermal labels. Click to read more!

How to Calibrate the Verifier on Honeywell PX940V

Video demonstration of how to calibrate the barcode verifier on the Honeywell PX940V. Click to read more!

How To Choose a Barcode Symbology

Choosing the right barcode symbology is as easy as reading this article. Click to learn more!

Android Migration

Migrate to Android and modernize your applications and devices. Click to learn more!

Updating Zebra Printer Firmware

Updating your Zebra printer firmware is as easy as following these simple instructions. Click to read more!

Vehicle Mounted Mobile Computers vs. Rugged Tablets

Choosing between a rugged tablet or vehicle mounted computer can be a difficult decision. This article offers some helpful advice and key factors to consider. Click to continue reading!