Tech Tips

Use a Rapid Development Software Package

MCL: A rapid development application tool that we have been using for many years. It is very cost effective. It's also very stable and easy to use. And finally, you can develop complex applications yourself for mobile computers in a fraction of the time that it would take to write the application from scratch. Learn how!

Selecting the Right Label Printer

If you already have a label printer network within your workspace, this is for you. If you have NO label printer network in your facility and intend on purchasing in the near future, this is also for you. No matter where you are in your journey this is a useful bit of knowledge.

RFID Site Survey

Have you heard of an "RFID Site Survey"? It's quite similar to a wireless one, and for many reasons is necessary for a company like EMP to conduct in order to best serve you. 95% of the time there is an RFID solution, but you better make sure by doing an RFID site survey before someone starts selling you anything.

Barcode Scanner Selector Guide

Our Barcode Scanner Selector Guide will help you make the right choice when it comes to choosing a barcode scanner for your operations. Click to learn more!

Pairing a Bluetooth Barcode Scanner

What if you are not pairing the scanner with the cradle, but with a tablet, or laptop or a cell phone? Does it just work right away then? Well not always.

Printer Calibration for Your Label Printers

Printer calibration can be the key to maintaining your printer productivity. Here's a brief tutorial on calibrating the Zebra QLn420 and a ZT610 printers.

Using Surge Suppressors in Your System

This simple solution that can save you hours or even days of troubleshooting. Do you know what it is? Click to find out!

Be Careful Upgrading to Android 11

You can test a product before launch, but sometimes there are unforeseen variables from third party operating systems. Do your applications on your rugged device rely on a MAC address? Well, the Android 11 OS might be a problem. Click to read more!

Could You Be in Airplane Mode?

No data connection on your mobile computer? You might be in airplane mode. Read on to get ahead of this common mistake!

Calibrating Zebra Mobile Printers

It is a simple problem, but we get calls about it all the time.  Getting a mobile printer, particularly a Zebra mobile printer, to calibrate and stop at the top of the form for the label.

Choosing the Right Barcode Symbology

Selecting a barcode symbology is an important decision with several factors to take into consideration. Start with our guide to choose the right barcode symbology.

Printer String Overwriting Your Printer Settings

When you are having issues that seem like the printer is broken because it won’t accept any of the changes you are making to the settings, it might be that your label format is overwriting those changes, and there is nothing wrong with the printer.