Customer Solutions

Full RFID System to Track Awnings

A company that manufactures awnings needed help with their receiving/picking process as large amounts of inventory were being delivered to their central warehouse. See which solutions EMP landed on in order to provide cover from the storm.

Print and Apply System for Brackets

Automated labeling systems can be a tricky tool to wield especially when they are twice the size of the standard applications we build. Luckily for us we have some of the best tech minds around. Check out this XXL Print and Apply Solution!

Who You Gonna’ Call?

Now, we are well aware that Halloween is over. And we're well aware that we as a company don't deal in paranormal activity. But it seems most of our projects originate because there's a company, and that company is trying to solve a problem either for themselves or a third-party end user. And somewhere along their process it occurred to them that they did not have expertise to solve the issue. A software company that relies on hardware to execute it's product contacted EMP to help figure out the full solution. From purchase to shipping to integration.

RFID to Barcode Match Code

As EMP technical services group were testing out an RFID solution they had recently installed in a vehicle conversion facility, they realized there were gaps in their operations. This particular gap was based off of a question from one of our engineers. "How are you verifying that the RFID labels you're applying are correlated to the correct vehicle?". Well, they weren't.

Vial Label Applicator 

In this particular project EMP found themselves assisting a client needing automated labels applied to their pharmaceutical vials. EMP reached out to their old friends at CTM Labeling Systems to assist in a coordinated solution that would satisfy the customer. Read the solution and watch the video!

Color Rack Labeling

A customer was looking to have a more permanent signage display for their new warehouse. Only they wanted the signs in color. Well, EMP has done a ton of rack labeling for warehouse identification before, but never in color. Follow along to see how the project turned out.

Print and Apply System with Industrial Interface

A company was looking for a way to make their mostly autonomous assembly line 100% hands free. EMP decided to design a machine with its partner CTM Labeling Systems to create an automated application that applies labels in coordination with the current robotics system.

Automotive Manufacturer Gets RFID Upgrade

An automotive manufacturing company already using RFID technology, was getting by with older hardware and software. EMP engineers were able to survey and recommend changes in their workflow to get this plant back up and running to its full potential.

Scan and Print as a Finished Product

A healthcare company was trying to find a way to replicate barcodes within their facilities. The process had to be the most efficient and ready to use out of the box. The best option would be for a simple "Scan and Print Solution".

Labeling Insurance

A company was running into issues in their labeling process. They were losing track of assigning the correct labels to products even with a two-step verification process in place. Check out how EMP was able to fix these issues for this medical manufacturer.

“Pick Me!” A Look into Electronic Shelf Labels

A company was looking for a way to minimize line stoppage in a faced-paced assembly plant. See how this "error-proof" application, using Electronic Shelf Labels, was a success.

Building a Warehouse Wireless Network

A warehousing customer needed to expand the wireless network (WiFi) coverage in their facility. Click to learn how EMP Tech Group delivered.