
Software Evolution – BarTender Cloud

Software is evolving at a faster pace than ever before. While some platforms are still on-prem only, more business software is moving to the cloud. Bartender, the popular labeling software from Seagull Scientific, recently announced a cloud-based version of their software. Click to read more!

Staying In Our Technology Lane

Steve Jobs once said, “I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done.  Innovation is saying ‘no’ to 1,000 things.  You have to pick carefully.”  Jobs is not always the best person to model your personal life after, but we at EMP feel that he had it right on this one.

The Other Companies Can Sell You Hardware

It happened again recently, and the customer was a very large company.  Even with all their IT capabilities, we still found ourselves at one of their sites, running network traces, and helping them determine why their mobile computer transactions were taking so long.

Maximum Profits or Excellent Service?

You can’t have your cake and eat it too, that is the old saying.  Corporate Greed versus Servant Leadership. We pick Servant Leadership.

Passive RFID is Gaining Momentum

It all started with Walmart, this passive RFID for retail thing, in January of 2005. Check out this article to find out where we are today.

Listen, Learn, and Help

No PowerPoints, No Hardware Demos, Just Silence, and then Help.

Repair Your Old Device or Order New?

Should I repair my old device or order a new one?  The answer increasingly is to do both. Read this article to find out more!

Cloud or On-Premise, Which is Right for You?

Your next MDM or Label Software product will most likely be a cloud-based application. Click to learn more.

Expanding Our YouTube Channel

More great content is coming to our YouTube page, and we wanted to tell you about it!

Do You Really Need Full Windows?

Customers tend to gravitate towards using full Windows on rugged tablets because of the screen size and application requirements. But is there another option?

Business is Personal

We recently added a new culture poster to our collection about The Speed of Trust. Click to read more about our approach to establishing trust with our customers.

Android OS Migration

Android 4.4 commonly known as KitKat was released on October 31, 2013. Over 8 years ago! Click below to read more about the upcoming Android updates.