EMP News

Eating Our Own Dog Food

We've always felt we would stay small enough as a company where we wouldn't be utilizing the services and products we sold. Check out which products or tools we've had to acquire in house in order to keep up with growth.

A New Year, but More of the Same

There's nothing wrong with always trying to be better and mind you we will always strive to be. But if the formula is working, you might not want to stray from the path too much. Check out our plans for the New Year!

Adding to Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC

The road to transitioning to a full featured ERP has been a long one. We used to operate with QuickBooks and in 2021 migrated to using Microsoft's Business Central. With the guidance of our own Drew Kipfer (Director of Business Systems) and very patient employees who were willing to take the time to learn, we were able to yield our ERP into how we operate as a company. So here we are, sharing how we crossed over and what effects it had on our customers.

New Faces at the EMP Tech Group 

Faces! And no we're not talking about that band from the 70's. We're talking about the NEW faces at EMP. These guys have different talents and are less...British. However, with higher education institutions focusing less and less on our industry, it's becoming more difficult to find good, qualified people. In this article we continue to unapologetically boast our luck, acknowledging our wonderful new additions to the EMP Team that will carry on the torch.

Unwinding with a Company Party

Who doesn't like a company party? Well, I guess if you have 1,000 employees it might be a bit daunting. But for a company like us, with over 30 employees, we're still able to host ourselves if we want. And that's just what we did a few weeks back. We invited the families, the spouses, the significant others, and grilled out with Dave Mattingly serving the finest brats this side of the White River. Check out the footage of good times, good people, and good food!

Our 100th YouTube Video

Our first YouTube video was 10 years ago, and it discussed how to load media into a Zebra 110xi4 label printer. That video has been viewed 23,000 times since then. From humble beginnings, we have steadily grown our channel, sharing our passion for technology with the world.

New Service Vans

A few months ago we talked about the need to hire more people due to the demand for more quality care to our customers. With that we also purchased new Service Vans. 9 vans to be there for you wherever you need us, WHEN you need us.

Surge of RFID

It's everywhere. You can't miss it. Apart from AI, RFID is the new hot topic within our industry. But soon, this once niche technology will be used in a broader market due to distribution mandates. See how EMP is leading the way in RFID.

Building Our Project Library with Video

We're unloading content like it's our busy season. One, to help inform our customers. And two, to spread Brand Awareness. What better way to show who we are and what we're working on than through videos. Check out why we think it's important to have video content.

Taking Our Marketing to the Next Level

Our main focus has always been staffing engineers and technical support, focusing on the customer and solutions. So we rely heavily on what we know when getting the word out. Videos on solutions, software integration, and past projects have been our go-to strategies. But that's all starting to change.

Adding to our Technical Services Group

Our technical services business, service, and project work, and particularly staging and supporting mobile computers has grown rapidly. So, we were starting to get a little overwhelmed as a group, before we pulled the trigger on a new hire.

Adding a New Technology Line

The EMP Technical Group has a new partnership with Celona, a leader in CBRS, or private 5G wireless networks.